Sport & Fitness Psychology Certificate

Sport & Fitness Psychology Certificate

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The Certificate Program

Are you involved in sports or fitness as a:

  • Athlete
  • Trainer
  • Coach
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Health Professional

Do you want to:

  • Develop optimal performance
  • Create effective teams
  • Enhance physical/mental well-being

Sport & Fitness Psychology Certificate ProgramIf so, the Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate Program is for you.

Take one course or the whole certificate to acquire tools to perform your job more effectively or expand your present job skill set. Parent and high school coaches will learn how to build cooperative teams. Fitness instructors can increase their employability. Athletes will advance their careers.

Best of all, you can do all of this anywhere, anytime via our online courses.

Program Description

The online Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate Program addresses a growing demand for using psychological knowledge to enhance sports performance, teamwork, fitness, and well-being. Five online psychology courses comprise the Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate Program. Coursework covers principles, research and applications which will expand and enhance participants' skill sets. Courses provide university credit of 3 units each at the 400-level which may be used for graduate-level credit subject to approval of department accepting the units. Students may enroll in individual courses or the certificate program.


Courses in the certificate program are offered online so that participants can access materials, study and complete the assignments anywhere, anytime. The internship course affords an opportunity to practice acquired skills and knowledge in a community near home. A Certificate is provided upon successful completion of program requirements.

Who Should Attend

Coaches, athletes, trainers, fitness instructors, and health professionals and counselors will gain valuable skills from the courses in the Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate Program.

Career Possibilities

The program is designed to increase knowledge of this developing field, to enhance employability of participants and to advance the careers of those currently employed in sport and fitness occupations.


Sports & Fitness Psychology Courses

Required Courses (15 units)

PSY 480 • Sport Psychology (3 Units)

PSY 481 • Applied Sport and Fitness Psychology (3 Units)

PSY 482 • Psychology of Coaching and Team-Building (3 Units)

PSY 483 • Contemporary Issues in Sports and Fitness (3 Units)

PSY 486 • Internship in Sport and Fitness Psychology (3 Units)

NOTE: For course descriptions, refer to the Psychology section of this catalog.

Instructor Profiles

Mark Cartiglia, Ph.D. Mark Cartiglia, Ph.D. |

Instructor, Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton.

Besides teaching at California State University, Fullerton, Dr. Cartiglia also teaches an online course at North Central University. His areas of interest include psychological testing and sport psychology.

Ruben Barajas, M.A.Ruben Barajas, M.A. |

Executive Director, The Scott Newman Center, Torrance, California

Mr. Barajas has developed the programs at the Scott Newman Center, which provides a national community outreach/drug prevention program through a summer camp for adult women and their children. Since 1988 Ruben has competed in over 50 triathlons.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the Sport Psychology certificate help me?

In this course you will learn how to develop athletes’ optimal performance, create effective teams, and enhance physical and mental well-being.

How will the Sport and Fitness Psychology Certificate help me?

High school and college coaches can use these courses for professional development. Athletes can advance their careers Fitness instructors and trainers can increase their employability. Youth coaches will learn how to build cooperative teams.

Sport & Fitness Psychology CartoonDo I have to take all of the courses in the certificate program or can I take just some of them?

Take one course or the whole certificate to acquire tools to perform your job more effectively or expand your present job skill set.

How many courses will be offered each trimester?

At least two courses in the certificate are offered each trimester. PSY 486 Internship offered at least two times a year.

How do I enroll in the courses?

You enroll through the California State University, Dominguez Hills' Extended and International Education unit by calling 310-243-3741, option 1.

Can I count the units toward a master’s degree?

Courses in this certificate are numbered at 400 or senior level which may count toward a graduate degree program. All of the courses are transferable and they all can be counted as sport & psychology courses. Transferability is determined by the institution or program accepting the units. Check with your master’s degree advisor to see what elective course requirements they might fill.

What does a sport psychologist do?

Sport psychologists help athletes optimize their performance, help coaches create winning teams, help players set personal as well as performance goals and find ways to reach those goals. Sport psychologists may be employed by a university or a professional team on a full-time or consultant basis. To find out more about sport psychology go to

What do I need to do to become a sport psychologist?

Most sport psychologists have a doctoral degree, which takes about 4 years of study beyond the bachelor’s degree. You have to be licensed in the state in which you practice in order to call yourself a sport psychologist. However, even without the license, you can use some of the techniques that sport psychologists use when consulting with athletes and teams. You just cannot “treat” individual problems nor call yourself a psychologist.

If I live outside of the Los Angeles area how do I do an internship (PSY 486S)?

For students who live outside of the Los Angeles area, the instructor of PSY 486 will work with individual students to approve a suitable internship site in their area of residence. Examples of eligible experiences include working under supervision to provide training of athletes on performance-relevant issues or working as an intern with a coaching staff in an applied sport psychology setting.

Are there any prerequisites for PSY 486S, the Internship?

There are four prerequisite courses (PSY 480, PSY 481, PSY 482, PSY 483) that must be completed before registering for PSY 486S, Internship in Sport and Fitness Psychology. One of the four prerequisite courses sometimes can be taken concurrently with PSY 486S.  Also, please notify the instructor of PSY 486S ( one semester before intending to register for this course so she can approve an internship site and supervisor for you plus you will need this instructor’s consent before registering for PSY 486S.

Digital & Print Certificate Request

A Certificate of Completion is awarded upon successful completion of the required courses.

Note: Once you have completed all the required courses, you may request your certificate via our online application. The processing time is approximately 6-8 weeks from the time of submission, and includes both a digital certificate link and a printed physical certificate.

Apply to Receive the Certificate

Learn more about Digital Badges & Certificates

Professional Association Links

Association for Applied Sport Psychology

Exercise and Sport Psychology, Division 47 of the American Psychological Association

Careers in Sport Psychology

 Information & Registration

When you're ready to register for courses, call 310-243-3741 (Option 1). 

The deadline to enroll for courses for most certificate programs is FOUR (4) BUSINESS DAYS or earlier before the class begins; please check the Course Schedule for the program to ensure that you can enroll on time.

Have other questions?
Check this program's FAQs (if provided), or simply call: 310-243-2075, email:, or use our LiveChat ↘ to ask questions or leave a detailed message regarding this program.